If this is how the Sober worms behave...
God help us when the drunken ones get going...
The harbourmaster hasn't had a visit, or even a phone call from me yet... I'm brooding over whether to ask the sailmaker to intercede on behalf of himself. It might sway the old fellow where some foreign woman he has hardly even met is not likely to meet with much friendly assistance in that quarter, methinks... Yes, I think I'll put a call in to the sailmaker in the morning...
Now, where was I? Oh yes, Nasty Nazi Sober worms posing as old school chums...From what I can remember of some of my school contemporaries, they wouldn't be easy to distinguish from the wretched worms at all. Their one redeeming feature is that none of them are any more likely to send me a photograph of themselves than to expect one from me and the ones I liked probably wouldn't go chucking photos of themselves at someone they hadn't seen in a grillion years anyway, so I'm not about to get into a state of hysteria...
I don't know anything about worms but I've been having a strange computorial experience since yesterday, or rather I was having one but it appears to have subsided somewhat - perhaps due to the lateness of the hour. I will be back in the next blog to bring a link to a post I made about it elsewhere... I'm just going to see if anyone answered...